How Twitter has Forever Changed #PR
Mar 19 2013
Twitter is the new trip wire for news! You know it if you are in the PR business and you certainly know it if you have clients in the real world who have had news break via social networks. I could write a book on this, but let’s not. Here are my bullet points on how Twitter has forever changed PR:
- Twitter is instantly viral and immediate
- Welcome the citizen journalist – anyone can break news now
- Twitter makes reporters more accountable to verify what is true versus what is fast
- Media has more information now than ever: it makes the job easier
- PR people with a big reach can be their own media machine
- Twitter is the truth equalizer: you can run but you can’t lie. Verify facts and be right.
- Twitter puts pressure of being right and first on media. They can’t delay or stall their work
- Twitter helps PR pros multiply their reach
- Digital PR is the new way to get the word out, but SEO is the secret sauce of getting found
- Important and influential people on the internet can boost your Twitter message
This list can go on! Please chime in and add on and as always, thanks for reading this. Cheers to PR and Twitter!