Why Twitter will Kill Google + (My opinion)

Aug 18 2011

Updated: 8/19

Personally speaking,  I really hate Google Plus. I don’t understand it, I am confused by the different columns and circles…I have people I don’t know trying to circle me (I feel like sharks are there) and I don’t like the Facebook-like feel of it. I believe it’s too late for Google Plus to try and copy Facebook. 

New research out today suggests that Google+ has experienced a lot of growth but that in fact, 83% of users in this beta are INACTIVE and many are college age.  Not my target market for my services but good for someone like a fast food chain or retailers trying to attract young people.

Early adopters win: if you’ve been on Twitter and Facebook for 2 years (and I have) why in the world would you want to add more time consuming tools to your day to day management? I personally do not have time. I’m going to go where the most value and most contacts are with those that engage me. Twitter is that platform and my “weapon of social media choice”.  I love Twitter. There is only so much time in the day. Why waste it on people who don’t open the platform?

Conclusion: I don’t care about private or circle platforms. I love social. I love to share. I don’t want to limit who cares, nor do I care to keep up with who sees what. The beauty of social is open. That’s my story.  That’s why I think Twitter rules…What do you think?